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Timeless Teachings in a Changing World


At Paradise school, the curriculum in the PREP is focussed heavily on the areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Two sessions each day involve writing and reading followed by Numeracy sessions. We encourage parents to play an integral and active role in classroom reading activities. The Reading Recovery Program engages students who are identified as benefiting from an intensive one on one language program to develop reading, writing and spelling skills and knowledge. Experienced, specialist staff operate this program. 


From the beginning of their schooling students are encouraged to use the library facilities to borrow books. To accommodate this, students have access to the library during allocated library sessions and at certain lunchtimes. At the beginning of each year, all students are involved in a swimming program using our swimming pool facility.  


Students are allocated to one of three house teams: Sunrise, Pioneers, Champions or Genius. In the first semester, the students participate in swimming and athletic sports and a cross-country event conducted around part of the town. 


Curriculum: The Middle Years 


To ensure that students are challenged by the curriculum, they are supported in their quest to explore beyond their current areas of interest and to strive for in-depth learning. Students are encouraged to comprehend issues from a number of perspectives and in a way that constructs connections with previous learning. Students are taught skills that enable them to think their way through problems and issues that have an effect on themselves, their community and the wider world. To achieve this: ​​


  • The curriculum is designed to increase the level of complexity of student research, response and problem-solving. 

  • Students are educated in the use of a range of ‘thinking tools’ and taught how to take responsibility for their own learning. They learn how to learn.  

  • As they move through the unit students have greater access to a negotiated curriculum in which they choose some of the learning outcomes and topics that they wish to explore. This increases the level of student engagement, based on personal interest and involvement.  

  • Information and Communication Technology is infused into, and integrated into the curriculum, providing powerful opportunities to share and access personal and global learning. 

The Middle Years curriculum is designed around an Inquiry-based learning model. The use of Information Technology is used to engage students and link them with the global classroom. 

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